Full Name
Doru Peter Frantescu
Job Title
EU Matrix
Speaker Bio
Doru Peter Frantescu is the founder and CEO of EU Matrix, an EU-focused research platform and think tank combining expert insight and digital technology to analyze how the EU political machinery works. Particularly, EU Matrix has been providing insight and predictions ahead of the 2024 European Elections. He previously founded and headed VoteWatch Europe, using political data analysis to provide quality insight into EU politics and make the EU decision-making process more transparent and democratic. With over 15 years of experience in advising on EU policy-making, he was nominated amongst the top 40 most influential personalities in EU affairs by POLITICO in 2023. Since 2018, Doru Frantescu has also been a member of the European AI Alliance, which aims to stimulate debate on AI, share ethics guidelines and encourage the development of AI.
Doru Peter Frantescu